Monday, September 30, 2024

Most Watched, Minus a Million

Of all popular networks of size, ABC-TV (with a little help from its Disney affiliation) may be the most Democrat-friendly.

And so it was when ABC rolled out a so-called debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.  Debate moderator ("most watched) David Muir and his co-host (said to be a sorority sister of Harris, by the way) allowed Harris to get away with virtually everything, while Trump was continuously verbally berated and fact-checked for what seemed almost every sentence he spoke.

But then the unthinkable happened.  Muir called Trump on the carpet for supposedly escalating national crime figures.  Oops.  After the debate, Web sites and real fact-checkers discovered that, indeed, Trump was correct about crime statistics.

Unfortunately for Muir and ABC, the public noticed, somehow momentarily aware that, among lies and sports, lies and media-induced inaccuracies are more important to our lives than games on the field..

Quickly thereafter, as if goaded along by a rare explosion of mental effort among communities all over the country, ABC and David Muir watched his nightly news viewer population nosedive by at least one million.  In a newscast supported in no small way by intrusive drug-pushing commercials, this is big.  If Muir truly believed Trump's reference to crime statistics was inaccurate, he surely must have recoiled in horror upon reading of statistical barbs aimed squarely at himself.

Hmm.  Notice how ABC is suddenly advertising Muir more than usual?

A kind word?  Sure.  I liked the old Gene Tierney movie, "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" a lot.  But that's not where we're headed today. . .

By now, these generally laughable network clown shows appearing on large TV networks can almost always be counted upon to feature Republican-unfriendly and conservative-averse moderators seemingly determined to hammer candidates on the right relentlessly, whilst pitching soft-shoe questions to fellow Democrats and Democrat activists.  Birds of a feather appear to flock and poop together when perched before malleable TV cameras grounded in friendly territory.

Could it be that people on the street are beginning to notice, as what may be the most important national election ever boils just beneath the horizon?

The network news folk are gradually losing viewers, many of them young people who prefer news sources available on the Internet.  This is both wonderful and tragic, as the replacement for what once was a TV industry at least moderately concerned with the difference between truth and partisan whoppers does not always serve young minds well -- especially when those young minds were never taught critical thinking or history in school and have little in the way of common sense.

David Muir and other TV anchors and reporters do what they do, like their efforts or not.  My only encounter with Muir occurred one afternoon years ago (pre-ABC employment) when he was exiting a store as I was walking in.  Apparently, he was in a hurry and I had to quickly dodge him so as not to have a collision.  I doubt he noticed me because he is rather tall and I am not.  Had he noticed me at all, perhaps he mistook me for a mushroom or some native vegetation.

The Democrats' Welcoming Borders:  Official numbers have been released, indicating we now have a grand total of at least 420,000 convicted criminals among millions of illegals allowed in the country by Biden-Harris, and this includes 13,000 convicted foreign murderers and 16,000 convicted foreign rapists in the USA.  Thanks Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and unelected Democrat operatives for allowing in the world's most vicious convicts as prisons are emptied all over the world.  To quote Neil Diamond's old song, they're coming to America.  We kinda suspect real girls and women, not boys and men who suffer under the fantasy that they ARE women, are currently in terrible danger on the used-to-be-safe streets of America.

Israel on the Attack:  Bonus -- finally some justice for the U.S. Marines slaughtered years ago in Lebanon.  Israel has a remarkable military, obviously, and when everybody surrounding you intends your death and annihilation, there really is no other option but to fight for your own survival.  Forge ahead, y'all Jews, and get the job done.

Unions and strikes and strikes and unions. . .regaining strength under Biden-Harris and ready once again to demand things that they, not the rest of us, can afford.  If you love socialism and Joe Biden's form of "democracy," you gotta love unions.