Friday, May 31, 2024

The Fascists You Know, 2024

Flying upside-down flags this morning is nothing compared to a nation upside-down and on the edge.  If we could, we would tip Mt. Rushmore over just to express the chaos four fine gentlemen might have felt as America's judicial system took a very wrong, insidious turn yesterday.

If you gloat over the travesty verdict stinking in a New York courtroom yesterday, then you should gloat over the reality that if they can do what they did to Donald Trump, they can do it to any of us at their leisure.

If election interference is truly on the map for those searching for reasons why, congratulations, its barbs were just demonstrated in full by a sham verdict and a desperate political party intent upon crushing its opposition in the finest tradition of any fascist country.  Oh yes, surprise, we, too, have our fascists in the United States, and now they have power.  You wouldn't have a clue about this if your daily media diet consisted chiefly of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC or so many other allies of the increasingly dangerous left.

We are given to understand that driving the culmination of  yesterday's Democrat-orchestrated courtroom mess to the Supreme Court will be very difficult, no matter the upcoming appeals (to -- surprise! -- Democrat judges).  Yet, Democrat operatives have effectively interfered with our right to vote for a political opposition candidate whom they hate more than they hate their own miserable, lying lives. There should be severe consequences for this alone.

We hope November's elections will help turn the country around, for we currently live our lives under a dangerous leftist fantasy whose manipulators believe it is they, and not we, who determine our destiny.  Should sheer ignorance and stupidity re-elect this gang in November, the structure of America and our supposedly guaranteed rights will fade into dust.  That is, this speed-up of a long-term plan has already been happening for almost four years.  Why would America's nouveau fascists stop, now that they inhabit the highest office in the land?

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Bits and Pieces for May 2024

The killer behind the killer:  With the sidewalk assassination of popular soap opera ("General Hospital") actor John Wactor in Los Angeles by killer(s) yet unknown, we wonder if the very leftist of Hollywood's leftists will finally get the message and begin embracing the police whom they publicly condemn so much.  The deceased young man was apparently loved with many friends, so it's all the more shameful that he lost his life at age 37(?) to one or more pieces of hooded human street poop.  The cure for tragedies such as this is more police, swift justice and guaranteed execution following a couple of years of time on death row.  Yes, of course there is no room for wrongful death penalties, but modern technology seems to be very good at weeding out the guilty from the innocent.

The fool behind the foolishness:  Fading actor Robert DeNiro did himself nor his fellow geriatric set no favors by making a spectacle of himself as he bad-mouthed Donald Trump, presumably as one of Joe Biden's wealthy and once-famous Hollywood-affiliated minions with a New York background.  When aged celebs come out of the overly wood-pecked woodwork to say things such as, Trump will never leave office if elected, you just know it's time to leave the area and pretend you didn't hear what you just heard.

I want that car
:  Biden's falling all over himself to heavily tax those $12,000 Chinese automobiles so they never see the light of day in the USA and piss off his UAW union brothers.  Here's a better idea:  Since most Americans can't afford the cars currently coming off the U.S. assembly lines, why doesn't somebody here find a way to build a $12,000 American car?  Maybe once Trump returns to office. . .though Trump wants to impose a high tax on Chinese cars also.  Not necessarily a good idea, taxing imports heavily, because it works two ways.

Advice to Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and his wife:  Fly more flags, hundreds, all kinds.  Go for the damned gold and piss off every leftist in sight.  Now that the media discovered the same "heaven" flag flying over San Francisco's City Hall for decades, somebody's looking pretty stupid and, as usual, able to shoot from the hip in a single bound.

Israel on the move:
  Israel is doing the only thing it can, and we say go for it.  The wholly irrelevant International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court are two idiotic entities that equal zero when added together and have no bearing on anything.  Our Hamas-lovin' congressional representatives (who should be tossed out on their butts) can scream about Israel's "crimes" forever, but Israel is not the perpetrator dedicated eternally only to killing all Jews and ending Israel forever.  You can bet that most Palestinians from Gaza would vote for Hamas to lead in a heartbeat -- even as Hamas continues stealing at least a third of the food currently being donated to feed the "refugees."

The European Union just passed a set of laws -- the ESG thing -- which will cripple the USA economically and socially if the President and Senate sign off on it.  This legislation must be stopped and the USA may be the only force that can stop its influence.  Must we resort to a modern Revolutionary War with the European Union and its nations?  What a mess, what a disaster.  Stay in touch with my links.

Today's visual?   I put that together a year and a half ago, but never posted it..  The quote is from somewhere.  Best I can do.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Child Pornography for the Masses

Yeah, I know, I'm going to burn in Hell (my stack of admission tickets grows ever higher) for this one today, maybe just for the title alone.

So I was watching TV news some time back, and then it happened, the way it always happens.  As if killer pods from outer space had invaded, the anchor person soberly and emphatically begins punctuating a story about a child pornography case.  Cut to video.  This time, appearing in a courtroom before the TV news cameras, it's a 22-year-old man who actually looks a few years younger, and his subdued gaze is fixed forward like a deer's eyes caught up in judicial headlights.  He doesn't look like an old pervert; instead, he's the blond, fair-skinned boy next door, nice-looking and seemingly non-threatening -- but dazed.  One assumes the cops went in for the bust like hell on wheels, and his mind still spins.  Last I heard, he was discovered to have two computers chock full of child porn images, and cops were still exploring bit by bit.

But back to the TV.  I'm already bored.  Because I know what's coming next.  Perfect, right on schedule.  The camera skips to some member of the district attorney's office, outraged that it's a child porno case, and by holy freakin' God he's not going to stand for it, and this is also a federal case, so that will bring even more charges.  Bang, that's a wrap, cut back to the studio and the next story, apparently about a murder somewhere.  TV news divisions love murders and they drool over the slightest allegations of child pornography, and one must wonder how those folks would spend their valuable minutes of air time without such reportage opportunities.

While I sweat blood, pounding out these delightful little blog entries for you, I usually do so without benefit of the Internet, so I tend to communicate in generalities.  Therefore, I can't recall the exact date or specifics from years ago when the government declared that First Amendment rights excluded viewing child pornography, and the crime for doing so was as serious as actually making such films or taking photos.  This occurred before the personal computer era settled in, and depending upon your age you may remember there arose a steady procession of drug stores, and other places where people dropped off their camera films for development, where clerks and technicians began faithfully calling the police to turn in even parents innocently photographing their two-year-old taking a bath.  Nobody required real child porn to inflame hysteria.

But there's been a tangible, ongoing, attack dog-style war on child pornography in the U.S. and elsewhere, often in conjunction with Interpol and other agencies.  Sounds good, doesn't it?  A war on child pornography.  Hmm.  Wait a minute. . .

War on.  Haven't we also been conducting an endless war on drugs?  How's that worked out, as Fentanyl and a host of chemical concoctions creep all over the country, even as that old standby called marijuana enjoys the popularity of legal acceptance?

Today's visual is a newspaper letter to the editor I wrote 22 years ago, following a Supreme Court decision regarding child pornography involving no actual children.  Since that time, society has gone absolutely bonkers, intent upon restricting into oblivion even the slightest hint of child porn created by AI which has absolutely no relationship to children, living or dead.

The outstanding problem appears to be society's outrage over the mere idea of child-child or child-adult sexual relations.  Fair enough.  But again we turn to the First Amendment and must realize that as soon as you ban depictions of one thing, then subjects that may be important to you or others also become fair game for censorship.  The overwhelming truth here is that computer-generated child porn -- which early on DID tend to use facial photos of real children -- now requires absolutely no real "victims" on display.  That the courts are going nuts over fictitious images and fantasies unrealized in computerized enactments is, like it or not, the worst possible affront to the First Amendment.

If artificial intelligence has the power to replace real people with realistic no-victim digital images AND to replace real online animal cruelty with unreal depictions craved by a particular audience, maybe various perturbations of the mind can be satisfied in most instances.  Yes, there will always be those who follow up with hands-on sexual and cruelty crimes, but we would hope and expect them to remain in a tiny minority if allowed to experience their profound desires by way of AI.

If the current courts of hysterical opinion have their way, however, expect an increase in child sexual assaults and murders, as those of a particular mind pursue their obsessions and realize that no living evidence of their deeds can afford to be left behind.

Iran's president dies in a helicopter crash:  Burn, burn dude, too bad your final minutes couldn't have exerted torture upon you, just as your efforts resulted in the torture and deaths of Iranian people yearning to be free of dangerous lunatics like you and Iran's Ayatollah El-Douche-Bagia.  We assume the black turban around your head during the funeral procession contained anti-psychotic pills and Viagra for the afterlife?

If vs. if:  I wish I could be a fly on the wall when well-intentioned parents order up the new movie about childhood fantasy friends called "If" and instead by error end up with the somewhat lackluster 1968 (lower case title) movie "if" which is all about a violent insurrection at a British boys school, including allusions to and an apparent practice of homosexuality among some students.  Enjoy the movie, kids!

Meanwhile, in New York. . .Trump's alleged trial is a clown show presided over by a very compromised leftist Judge Marchan.  When this mess is over, what should happen is this judge's removal from the bench -- but this is New York, where good is bad and bad is good when politics are involved, so his black robe will probably be displayed in City Hall as something worn by a God one day.  We are disgusted, we are outraged.  So what?

The Senate re-introduces a terrible immigration bill:  Thanks, Sen. Schumer, but again this monstrosity will be defeated.  How's about the House's HR-2 which has sat on your desk for months, as you refuse to even consider this excellent piece of legislation?  The treasonous Biden gang, which even went so far as to fly illegal immigrants into the country under cover of darkness, must be held criminally accountable, once the DOJ and FBI are cleaned up under new leadership.

New York school budget voters defeat EV bus purchases overwhelmingly:  Gov. Hochul and her progressive lapdog legislators need to get the message:  EVs are not wanted, are too expensive and the technology is nowhere near ready (especially in cold climates where EV batteries instantly lose around 40 percent of their charge).  NY State's governing body is poised to inflict some very bitter energy hardship sequences upon its residents, and when the worst happens I look forward to retribution in the courts -- if any fair courts exist by then.  One can hope.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Driving Miss Crazy of 2024

I'm old, that's not in dispute, and I was around as a kid to watch the medium of television arise from its infancy in the 1950s to the educational, incestuous and idiot-infested tool it is today.

During those hallowed post-WW II fifties when life could be free, easy and wildly inventive, a young singer named Dinah Shore -- much later to enjoy, strangely, a brief romantic fling with actor Burt Reynolds -- sang the praises on TV commercials of buying American.  That is, she would break into song and belt out the lyrics, "See the USA in your Chevrolet. . ." and the sales pitch would continue in song.

Indeed, these were golden years for automobile sales, and while the Chevy was but one of a number of cars built with real metal for a real America, affordability was within the grasp of every man and woman with a job.  Of course, the fact that one could build or buy a house for $10,000, more or less, was also helpful in a bustling economy.

Now (sigh. . .), fast forward to today's inflation lorded over by a presidential administration which, frankly, doesn't give a damn about the average American and seems to be rabidly intent upon joining the world's elitist thugs with making our dreams almost insurmountable.  

Were Dinah Shore alive and signing the praises of the automobile today, what tune would she carry?  See the USA in your leased EV?  See the USA after you spend hours charging your unaffordable government-mandated EV?  See the USA until you have an accident and you die in your EV because first responders can't get you out without endangering themselves and their own electrical equipment?  See the USA until you need to replace the extraordinarily pricey battery and can't afford it?

Good grief, even Dinah Shore would have encountered difficulty in trying to make this EV turkey fly in the face of negative public opinion.  Any self-respecting singer would rightly go insane attempting to put a happy face on a technology which in no way is ready for everyday use by a nation of people who can barely afford food and housing, let alone a very, very unstable method of individual transport.  Or is individual transport something the left even wants us to enjoy in the future?

If the government doesn't give a whit about drivers' ability to buy cars, its insiders are certainly enveloped in a new worry -- that China currently produces electric vehicles in for itself and eventually for the rest of the world, minus bells and whistles, for only $10,000, or $12,000, and for two or three grand more one is suddenly treated to the luxury class.

Meanwhile, the USA continues getting sucked down the drain. . .as unions come back with a vengeance (truly a vengeance -- against us all).  After a profound absence, large unions are now enlisting Workers-of-the-World-Unite to organize and are doing everything they can to scuttle right-to-work laws in the country.  If we think prices are bad now, wait until unions get back in control and prices go up in order to pay for benefits many rational non-union employees will never see (unless they, hmm, join unions).  Automation and closed businesses will be our harvest from this season of planting unions and union bosses at our feet.

Breaking bad even worse:  Biden must be stopped from inundating the USA with Palestinians.  We already have the fixings for radical Islam festering in the country, and the treasonous Biden gang's lack of concern should bring them closer to trials and prison in the future.  Sorry, not to make a down day even more down for some of you, but Donald Trump must win in November.  There is no other choice now.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Everybody Talks About the Weather, But Nobody. . .Wants it Controlled by Big Government

Before the usual suspects scream Climate Change! because Texas is flooded and tornadoes seem to be everywhere -- which on scale is generally normal in springtime -- don't dismiss weather modification efforts as military forces of several countries attempt to manipulate weather conditions to satisfy one agenda or another.

I remember reading newsstand magazines in the 1970s where military weather control was infrequently a topic of discussion, but details could be scant.  Today, however, we've progressed from mere cloud-seeding to electronic influence (lasers, sound and the like) -- and from mere rumor and conspiratorial talk to scientific reality.  Unfortunately, much of this is carried out to give one nation or government the edge over another, not necessarily bad in concept, depending upon evil or beneficial reasons.

That the climate change lunatic fringe has taken things so far as to conduct experiments in filtering or blocking the sun's rays from the Earth (without our permission, natch') is especially disturbing, but just imagine what may already be happening with modern weather modification, whether it occurs two states away from you or two countries away.  Do such efforts have a bearing on current weather disasters?  It seems as though one can only blame La Nina or its variations so many times before other possibilities arise.

Thanks to Covid and Covid immunization lies, we scarcely know what to believe anymore, particularly from government.  What's tomorrow's weather forecast? It depends upon the source.