Monday, October 28, 2019
Yours Truly, Lynn Ching
I never met Lynn Ching. I know not whether anybody has ever met Lynn Ching, nor do I know if anybody is actually named Lynn Ching. Maybe there are dozens, or perhaps thousands, even hundreds of thousands of humans called Lynn Ching.
But whomever, wherever Lynn Ching(s) calls home, he or she would probably be at least moderately annoyed that their name sounds like lynching.
Lynching. If President Trump gets heat for using the word, I suppose the progressive Nazi word police somehow wielding power in the United States wouldn't want me using it, either.
How is it that any ethnic or socially "woke" group can dictate what words one may use in the furtherance of communication? What crop of morons -- 51 percent! -- is sprouting out of colleges, universities and other communities demanding that the First Amendment exclude "hate speech?"
Who are these people pretending authority to commandeer words and hide them from society?
If death by lynching is the issue, statistics offered by some historians regarding a tumultuous period in early American history indicate that some 3,500 black people were lynched -- right along with well over 1,000 white folks, many of whose "crimes" involved supporting black people in their quest to be free. However, in our progressive society some events, even apparently unheralded white lynchings, become invisible because they don't fit the story the left wants told.
For the more boisterous segments of society who adore free speech as long as they agree with it, folks who believe lynchings and white perpetrators go together like cups and saucers, we suppose a side-point could be made that thousands of white people died fighting against slavery during the Civil War -- but who cares about that?
So what are we to do about entities carrying "lynch" as part of their identity? Should Lynchburg be changed on the maps to, oh, say -- Necktie Party, Virginia?
Should actress Jane Lynch change her name to Jane Hang?
We suspect a lynch mob would be forced under current standards of social justice to be called a white privilege gang, while a lyncher who carries out the deed would always be a white supremacist, no matter the skin color.
Lynch pins? Uh uh. Obliterate that bad boy from our vocabulary altogether, and ban such naughtily-named objects from ever again being used to hold a wheel or other object in place. After all, what's more important, banning words that bother some people? Or maintaining safety and structure in key mechanical components? Obviously, it's the former.
Worst of all, Lynn Ching absolutely must change that name in a reasonable period of time, as such insulting surnames will surely be censored by progressive law.
Goodbye Al-Baghdadi and all the body parts accompanying him (no organ donor there). Some 12 hours later, President Trump attended a World Series baseball game, and even then progressive stadium crowds could barely contain themselves, shouting "Lock him up! Lock him up!" Of course, the accommodating media were more than happy to accentuate this tiny, disrespectful moment of the President's day.
Snot-nosed Microsoft babies: The Pentagon's multi-billion dollar deal with Microsoft, as one may expect, has pissed off the terminally pissed-off among the young and progressive computer generation who fail to understand that wars involve more than their own country. We should not be surprised, watching as we do the utterly illogical, dangerous and insane activities and "teaching" which rot young minds on college campuses all over the country. In our opinion, for all their computer brilliance, these kids were raised in situations which failed to let them grow up and become rational adults. Can't wait for the future. . .
Which begs another question: Google, what the hell are you doing with China? STOP helping them become an increasing military and social threat (Microsoft snot-nosed babies, please take note) to the world. If the United States isn't hot on Google's operations and intent regarding China (oh, by the way, hello NBA!), something is dreadfully out of place.
CBS-TV's 60 Minutes: Nice job throwing softballs to Joe Biden Sunday. Looks like we'll need to wait a bit longer for the truth, perhaps once the Inspector General's report comes out and the FULL Ukraine/Democrat story begins to unravel -- if the complicit media can handle facts anymore.
Funny, too, how the CBS program spent only seconds on the video of Biden actually saying everything about a Ukraine deal that Trump is accused of.
Drinking 'em up at the The Last Chance Saloon: Apparently at the end of their rope as the realization that next year's elections may seal their doom for years to come, "justice-minded" Democrats continue to drink impeachment highballs in the congressional Star Chamber Bar, intoxicated and driven by deluded images of seeing Trump thrown out of Office so they can get some modicum of revenge over his perfectly legal electoral success in 2016. This blatant attempt to put up a Democrat pre-damage smokescreen, not helped at all by having Schiff and Nadler in tow, is doomed to ricochet severely -- unless, of course, Republicans do what they excel at, and that is deteriorating into a puddle of goo instead of standing up for themselves as Democrats consistently endeavor to steal the show by hook and by crook. Me, I'll remain on the Independent side.
Change Halloween's day? Those intent upon making Halloween more convenient for young trick-or-treaters and their parents by legislatively changing its occurrence to weekends need to be cautious. Real witches won't like the change, and if this goes anywhere it won't be long before online petitions appear demanding that Christmas be celebrated on December 32nd and that the Easter Bunny change its sex. Hmm -- then again, did we ever know for sure whether E.B. was male or female?
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hillary Clinton as Baby Jane Hudson
"Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" A Movie title, yes, but oh, so much more. Hillary Clinton IS Baby Jane at the movie's end, having gone irrefutably bonkers as she accuses, we presume, Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard of working with the Russians!
No, Hillary's not Bette Davis, and what she's dumping out of a wheelchair at the beach as secrets unravel isn't Joan Crawford; instead, it's a bag full of corruption, missing e-mails and globs of frustration -- for, alas, she will never be president of anything more than a legion of the ignominious. The wheelchair, its contents growing heavier by the year, is her albatross, burdensome to push but mechanically delusional enough to squeak from its wheels at every revolution noises that sound like, "Everybody loves you, run, run, run. . .".
As a presidential candidate opposing Trump she lost because she presented herself as phony and unlikable, and a lot of the women expected to kowtow in her direction were, frankly, unimpressed. As a NY State senator, Hillary was as useless as her successor, Kirsten Gillibrand, who herself will go down in history as one of the most ineffectual senators New York ever elected. Then again, Gillibrand isn't Baby Jane, at least not yet.
There seems to be a respect for Hillary -- and Bill -- among some UFO researchers because they made attempts to learn more about UFOs while he was in Office. Nice effort, we suppose, but the Clintons' UFO interest doesn't cut it with me because the road to hell can be paved with good -- that is, paved with intentions, period. When one's intentions reach as far as accusing a presidential candidate of some form of Third Party Russian collusion, well, that's Baby Jane Hudson losing her mind at the beach blow-out, never entitled to be taken seriously again.
Eat Up, Kids: Hmm. So up to 95 percent of baby food contains unacceptable levels of lead and other heavy metals, and we're just finding out? This may be affecting human IQ levels, we are told, and though we could make some politically incorrect comments about the here and now, we shall refrain. If this has been going on for decades unknown and unabated, then there's little to do except. . .
Drug out on your cookies: New research suggests that one's craving for chocolate, as in chocolate chip cookies, is on par with cocaine addiction, and maybe even more intense. If you can't chow down on the baby food and the chocolate chip cookies need to go into the garbage, then. . .
Spend your evening staring into the light of your smart phone or computer screen. . .except watch out because new science based upon research with fruit flies determines that the little buggers actually aged faster while exposed to the blue light emitted by these devices. What does this mean for humans exposed to LED/blue light? Statistically, if all of this is true, seems we'll all be old and dead before we can write the results.
Why is the mainstream media not reporting that our Southern border is now being invaded by thousands of Mexicans, not Central Americans, attempting to escape from their country's troubles? Looks as though another humanitarian crisis is quickly piling up beyond our control. Meanwhile, the only issue on the minds of congressional Democrats is Donald Trump and impeachment, and the country can just wait on that. Before we fret over planet-killing asteroids, we really must focus upon the Democrats' favorite nation killer -- illegal immigration.
Why planes crash: Because the flight crew needs to concentrate on leftist etiquette. At least one airline now insists that its flight attendants address passengers as "everybody" instead of "ladies and gentlemen" when making announcements. Strangely, the all-inclusive term, ladies and gentleman, actually DOES embrace "everybody" because science determined long ago that there are only two genders. Corporations which continue buying into this leftist nonsense will one day be called out for defying logic and common sense, neither of which exist in a single drop in the leftist pantry.
Obamacare: Remember the promises, and remember them good: The $2500 or so everybody was supposed to save by using this monstrosity now costs the average family $20,000 a year at worst. This is all Obama, not Trump, and we assume the Obamas have found a way to squeak by on health expenses now that they are multi-millionaires who care ever so much about the disadvantaged.
Fox Tales: Oh boy. This network is turning left faster than a black hole can suck in a whole solar system.
Democrats and their news media buddies exert an amazing hold on Democrat viewers because, unlike talk radio, where the real news lives, TV offers glittering objects which serve to hypnotize and convince. The downside is, its fans believe Trump can be beat in 2020.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Living Rent-Free at the CIA
Many years have passed since I actively pursued the UFO issue, so as a bystander I applaud the efforts of researchers who strain their eyes and miss dinner as they endlessly pore through old government files and tattered private documents. I believe the last time I delved heavily into an inquiry of consequence occurred in the eighties when the late Bob Warth of the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained (SITU, now long defunct) talked me into exploring documents at a university library for some project whose end-game was best known to himself. In the seventies I spent considerable time in Rochester, NY where I researched files at Kodak and the George Eastman House for a firm involved with the production of Kodak's centennial edition of Studio Light, a favorite of professional photographers.
With that behind me, it's fair to say that my lack of hands-on involvement with UFO inquiries these days causes me to miss a lot. Yes, I have occasionally run into some minor thing I wrote or was written about me in old files released by private concerns or government agencies, but I tend to happen upon such soon-forgotten things by chance.
Therefore, it was no surprise, yet intriguing, when I stumbled upon something on the Internet last week that made me blink twice, or better make that three times. Apparently, it has been out there since release by the CIA -- yeah, that CIA -- in 2003 with its own government file number.
As a teenager in the sixties I wrote plenty of letters to editors of numerous newspapers and magazines regarding UFOs, and most of them were printed. A particular newspaper letter, typed out in January of 1967, listed important UFO reports from the previous year, and we all know that 1966 was a stunning year for interesting UFO cases.
Thing is, it seems my comments referencing the CIA perked up official eyes somewhere because the entirety of the letter ended up in CIA files.
I've only included a small portion of the newspaper piece here, but as you can see there is a small underlining where I mentioned the CIA. Apparently, somebody making this mark determined the letter-to-the-editor appropriate for filing in the Spook House. For almost 35 years, my teenage composition about UFOs remained concealed in CIA files for reasons best known to the person or persons who made the decision to throw it into the pile.
Why? Simply because it mentions the CIA? Because UFOs in 1966 were of considerable concern officially? A reference to the (not specified at that time) Robertson Panel report? And if one wishes to file away a letter of this nature from a homegrown writer, why not at the FBI? Was I considered a global crackpot? International terrorist? National security threat? Merely a curiosity? Was I Billy the Kid? John Dillinger? Clyde Barrow (sorry, no relation)? Half human and half dog? Was it clipped from the newspaper and just squirreled away for "later," much like when your grandma cut out pie recipes for pies she never baked?
Really, I don't comprehend the total picture here because everything I wrote was public knowledge by that time. I'm betting there was increased high-level government concern about UFOs, particularly after 1966 flooded the nation with disturbing sighting reports, so maybe everything in print was fair game. Still. . .
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I do so compassionately hope, as somebody in Officialdom was running breathlessly across the floor in 1967 with scissors all sharpened up and poised to clip a newspaper op-ed letter, intended for either the creation or augmentation of a darling little WATCH-FILE NAMED IN MY HONOR, that they didn't trip over the sports page and sustain an injury.
Of course, a potential complication now is the CIA trolling the Internet, finding this blog page and supplementing the old file with (sigh. . .) a new entry. If only they had stuck with the front page in 1967 and read no further. Argh!
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Any Which Way They Can, 2019
Sticky webs of flapdoodle hopelessly spun by the Democrats, compromised intelligence officials and their complicit media friends have the side-effect of making President Trump and the United States appear weak and feckless in the eyes of the world. As a result, China and Iran become even more emboldened. Our Kurdish allies in Syria were abandoned this week by a Presidential administration perhaps too wrapped up in contrived leftist sniping and bull crap to effectively lead and consider long-term consequences of radical actions. Yes, Mr. Trump was wrong this time. The American-loyal Kurds deserved better.
As you may know, I really couldn't care less about professional athletics and who can direct a ball into a hole, basket, net or an alternate universe. Nevertheless, I was profoundly grateful that the Houston Rockets general manager possessed the gonads to publicly comment on and support the poor people of Hong Kong, Chinese victims one and all. The NBA, at first condemning him, and only later kinda sorta backing off, is truly deplorable for taking big Chinese money instead of standing up for human rights. The NBA is hardly alone, for major corporations in this and other countries have sold their souls to the Chinese communists, be it contractual economic policies or allowing China to steal intellectual property.
The people of Hong Kong do not need the Chinese communist party, and that's the last thing China wants advertised to the world. Hong works, China tortures, murders and "re-educates."
Even in Philadelphia, people attending a 76rs game and holding up a pro Hong Kong sign, were ejected. I guess that's free speech in America -- but don't dare criticize Chinese monsters.
As China seeks to undermine, quell and kill off with deathly finality Hong Kong's brave opposition to its communist policies, the controlled mainstream media in the U.S. hypes up apparently inconsequential whistle blowers, hoping, as always, for a hit on Trump's presidency. Never mind, of course, China's 70th communist anniversary and parade in which they unveiled an allegedly hypersonic nuke missile capable of reaching the United States in 30 minutes. Why make the news about a society responsible for the murders of 40-60 million of its own people (thanks to insect dictator Mao Tse-tung and his merciless successors) and power-mad enough to destroy anybody and any nation in its way when bringing Trump down on behalf of America's socialist Democrats is the desired prize?
American journalism as practiced among the largest players who remain standing in today's news climate is all but dead, supplanted frequently with agendas, lies, unsubstantiated fluff and vomit-inducing feature stories intended to shield the public from truth that matters. On national TV news programs, mention or invent negative stories about Trump and the barely hidden and smarmy smiles on the faces of complicit reporters can barely be concealed as they bask in an electronic stew of carefully chosen words.
Democrat loons: They are played out. This should have been evident when Adam Schiff mouthed what he later claimed was a "parody" about Trump's call to the Ukraine. One would automatically believe that somebody holding as much serious leverage as Schiff has no opportunity for "parody" when attempting to implicate a government official for an impeachable offense.
Over the weekend we suffered through TV interviews with Florida Rep. Val Demings (House Judiciary committee) and NY Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, obvious Democrat hacks unlikely to convince most thinking minds that Trump deserves what he's getting from the Dem Party pod people.
Meanwhile, at great expense implementing a REAL practice of journalism, Glenn Beck and staff consistently uncover evidence proving that dirty tricks in the Ukraine go far beyond Joe Biden and son. In fact, it's more than obvious now that "everything the Democrats falsely accused Trump of doing with Russia was done by the DNC in Ukraine." Names, places, events and the mysterious disappearance of seven billion dollars of American money in Ukraine fuel Beck's reports, the most detailed of which is a new TV documentary entitled, "The Truth Behind Ukraine," which is/was available for free viewing on Facebook and YouTube, rather than just on Beck's Web subscription TV station. Unfortunately, as with many conservatives, the gods of the Internet are screwing with Beck's material, decreasing or outright censoring its availability ("shadow banning") via algorithms put into place by leftists for exactly this result. When Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are eventually seen as publishers and not platforms, things may change -- but for now we're not much better off free speech-wise than any ol' communist country trying to make sure the truth "they" want us to see is the contrived truth we get.
How we kill: Looks as though you gun folk have a little catching up to do. FBI statistics released a few days ago show that FIVE TIMES as many people were murdered with knives than guns in 2018. Further, maybe hard to believe, but gun deaths continue declining from year to year. We suspect a shocking number of victims are taken out with kitchen appliances and sex toys each year, too, but who's keeping score?
Vaping: At the moment they're banning the unknown, but if and when authorities figure out exactly what to leave out of vaping materials we're still betting that bureaucrats from the Official Agency of Censorship and Banning will find other reasons to deprive Americans of their right to use these devices and (horrors!) flavored inserts.
Interrupting Greta Thunberg's teenage fantasy: While young Swedish climate activist Greta made her impassioned, um -- okay, while young Greta cried like an hysterical banshee at the United Nations' Global Climate Summit last month, her bothersome whining apparently overshadowed 500 international scientists, engineers and other notables who stepped up to insist there is no climate emergency (Valerie Richardson, Washington Times, 9/29/2019). The European Climate Declaration, produced by Amsterdam's Climate Intelligence Foundation, condemned leading climate models as "unfit," urging U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to apply "sound science" to any emerging climate policy.
The United Nations? Good luck with that.