Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Beyond the Clamor -- If Not Now, Then Never
Compassion can overwhelm the compassionate, as we've often attempted to point out. It's true at our chaotic Southern border, and human kindness going beyond normal standards can also backfire -- as in the lax attitude the U.S. initiated back to at least the seventies where international trade is concerned. In terms of trade with China, the compassionate trade scale has long been unbalanced in China's favor, and by now our Chinese trading partners have become as comfortable with cheating, robbing and stealing from the United States as a rodent taking up comfortable residence in the warmth of an old sewer pipe.
As the current trade "war" continues, one thing is clear: We Americans are a far, far cry from the resolve demonstrated by our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents during World War II, an era where sacrifice was crucial to the war effort. From "Rosie the Riveter," who exemplified women
leaving the home to take on factory work men couldn't do because they were deployed overseas, to families and entire neighborhoods collecting aluminum, steel, cooking grease and other substances essential for U.S. military operations on the war front, this was a time of immense personal sacrifice.
Fast-forward to 2019. Have things changed? Yes, oh yes. We've become as soft as a cushion in a cat bed. Children and adults can almost be too fat to walk across the street, let alone meet basic military qualifications. Students are often too buzzed-out on electronics or drugs to learn, while teachers and professors often teach about irrelevant, stupid things. "Sacrifice" carries a different meaning now, as our progressive friends of both parties have decided that it means sacrificing your hard-earned money to support illegal immigrants, their families and friends with few limits. Sacrifice is allowing government agencies at all levels to increase your taxes with one hand while waving in empty promises with the other. Sacrifice is having the guts to give up your smart phone for an entire day to declare some kind of social victory. Sacrifice means getting out of the chair to follow a path to the refrigerator 20 times a day instead of 22. Sacrifice is allowing the state to restrict or prohibit your use of firearms in the name of "doing something."
Sacrifice is 10,000 things -- none having the slightest bearing on the actions those who came before us initiated by necessity.
If the U.S./China trade war continues, how many among us have the resolve to willingly tighten our belts and accept or demand less in the short or long term? We are not optimistic.
Knowing that this is the one and only time there may be a chance to put the brakes on China's enormous appetite for all-inclusive world domination, would enough Americans care?
With a disturbing proportion of college students and other young people apparently more than ready to accept socialism with nary a clue about its workings, we fear that "sacrifice" in their view would mean giving up all of our hard-fought precious rights to a central government for "protection."
China? We suspect that China would love this brand of sacrifice in the United States. Russian dictators would swoon in adoration.
Defining politicians today: So many of these folks seem to prefer a feedbag over feedback.
Congratulations to the Obamas, ever so concerned about poverty in the black community. To this end, they are now the proud owners of a $15,000,000 estate in Martha's vineyard. How do you start off a presidency with college debt, move on to a house worth 8-9 million, and just a few years later you're really into the big money? Or check out Congress, where it pays especially well to be a Democrat. No poverty concerns there.
Burning down the house -- The Amazon Rain Forest in flames: Fires caused primarily, some suggest, by farmers clearing land. Our sympathies lie with the flora and fauna. Clearing land for more farms to support and encourage the births of more people to remove more resources to build more places to support the births of more people. . .and solutions will eventually be the worst for every living thing on the planet, 'cept for those ingenious cockroaches. In the rain forest, your babies aren't cute anymore. By the way -- notice how celebs and others enjoyed a tweet-fest, sending along fire disaster photos which weren't even taken in the rain forest? It's no wonder that nobody believes these phonies anymore. There's a huge difference between being a true environmentalist and just a fraud adhering to the concept of never letting a good crisis go to waste (where have we heard that before. . .?).
The Second Amendment: We quake to realize there are still political sorts out there who would have the gullible believe this Amendment is all about freedom to hunt and target-practice, when it was actually formed to deal with neither. Should government tyranny ever catch fire in the United States, we would hope that our unique position as a democratic republic would lead to solving the unthinkable with the cooperation of both police agencies and military members with cool heads who realize it is an out-of-control political class, not the common people, which must be addressed, even with extreme measures if necessary.
Former Venezuelan dictator Chavez banned gun purchases by his nation's citizens in 2011, demonstrating that socialism demands the removal of firearms from the people and leaving them helpless, guided along by a gun-heavy military dictatorship in order to function.
Worst part is, up until a few years ago the Second's importance was pretty basic knowledge. Returning civics classes to schools would go a long way in helping the misinformed understand issues such as this. An Amendment to guarantee your right to hunt? Absurd -- and "they" know it.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Jupiter Receives Social Justice
Well, THAT should teach those jolly Jovians a lesson they're not likely to forget. Did you see that brief video last week, showing a large object hitting Jupiter? Known casually as our solar system's giant protective vacuum cleaner, Jupiter took quite a hit as a significant something or 'nother crashed through its seemingly boundless atmosphere. Wouldn't care to be a Jupiterian walking down the street, nor taking a stormy flight inside the planet's Great Red Spot, lacking even the most basic of head gear.
Chances are really good that someday it will be our turn to settle international social issues once and for all eternity, not with all the brainpower assembled in the United Nations, but instead with the biggest freakin' mother of all asteroids in the known or unknown universe. Yes, a chunk of dumb rock bringing along neither college degrees nor diplomatic experience will likely determine our exit, obliterating all human accomplishments, cute animals, world dictators and daily panic over climate change. No negotiations, no counter-offers, no hugs or handshakes, no artificial intelligence -- just brutal, all-encompassing termination.
Oh, wait -- I forgot, we'll all be living on Mars by then. Unless Mars gets the killer asteroid treatment first. Or after we move in, barely able to unpack a fleet of galactic moving vans before chaos rules.
But not to be negative. . .except. . .unfortunately. . .
Hong Kong needs King Kong: Maybe just a temporary lizard-loan from Japan? As China remains perched on Hong Kong's doorstep, characteristically ready and willing to viciously subvert the slightest spark of freedom among those under its hawk-eyed watch, the world observes. Contrast Hong Kong's people, waving the American flag and singing OUR National Anthem in a desperate quest for a measure of freedom, to invaders on our Southern border, brandishing high the flags from their countries of origin and loudly condemning the United States because these phonies can't access our welfare and free stuff system as quickly and conveniently as they want. There comes a point when President Trump may need to be far more outspoken about Xi's savage regime. Meanwhile, the best words of Mandarin to learn are those telling China's government to go to hell if its manipulators can't look beyond torture, murder, mass imprisonment and world domination as a plan for the future -- and planning way ahead for every surface of the planet is exactly what they do.
Fake of the week: Rep. Tlaib, crying crocodile tears for the TV cameras as she decides not to visit her Palestinian grandmother via the kindness of Israel. You'd think this bad actress hiding under congressional privileges would cherish a trip to old granny before granny, oh, I don't know -- chances to set off a bomb and exits forever? Tlaib had no reason to cry, except maybe for failing to whip up enough Jew hatred. The fact that she and Omar were elected to Congress sure says a lot for the quality of their constituency. Doesn't Sharia smell better all the time?
Periodic gender count: As a public service, we wish to take this opportunity to count the number of human genders as determined by scientific research. Today's count: Two genders. Suspiciously, the number never seems to change unless fiddled with by morons whom, in most other instances, love to shout, "The science is in." Apparently, gender and science have no relationship. Go figure.
Woodstock's 50th anniversary: Missed it. Too busy helping to fix patients in the Air Force's fifth largest hospital in 1969 Texas. I hope those freakin' hippies smoked a joint or drank a beer or two in honor of the kids sent off to die, receive wounds or corrode mentally in Vietnam. And speaking of that era. . .
Peter Fonda dies: Fonda was known best for the movie, Easy Rider and for being part of a famous acting family. We dare suggest, based upon a rather distressing wish Fonda angrily uttered publicly some time back that -- well, all we can say is, Barron Trump should sleep better tonight.
New York, New York: (Sigh. . .) Once upon a time, long before the Democrats filthied the place up, education accomplished an important job. Now they want to screw with the upper levels and high school curriculum, as they always do, by teaching a segment on "symbols of hate." Do those symbols include a donkey, by any chance? The Democrats, having absolutely nothing to run on in 2020 except race and guns, always go for the obvious. If these fools really wanted to influence young people and the education system positively, they would return to incorporating civics lessons emphasizing American qualities instead of hate-America-first classes.
Television: While we find the CW's summer series, Two-Sentence Horror Story interesting, last week's episode in which the ultimate "monster" turned out to be I.C.E. agents at the door of an illegal family simply proved that the TV medium, as never before, has become a blatantly obvious vehicle for leftist political ideas. Further. . .
We watched brief, recurring previews for two new fall series on ABC-TV, Emergence and Stumptown, and will reluctantly predict their quick demise. First, did ABC learn nothing with the cancellation of The Passage last season, when this murky hodgepodge of confusing episodes featuring a young girl, monsters and her older companion failed to gain a foothold? So what do they do? Here comes Emergence, this time again involving a young girl as the center attraction among the adult class. The major alteration, from what we can see, is that The Passage story involved a black girl and the new series integrates a young white female into a sci-fi story.
Then there's Stumptown. Hoo boy, what was that ABC series last season that bombed, the one about two government agents, one male and the other female? Whiskey Cavalier? So here comes Stumptown, another reason to show everybody that a woman can do everything a man can do, even being featured in an improbable smarmy TV series unlikely to snare a viable fan base simply because even the most basic of TV audience members know pap when they see it. If there's a war on women, putting them into televised nonsense like Stumptown and Emergence isn't going to win the battle. On the other hand, the CW Network's launch of Nancy Drew based upon the old and time-tested book series may do quite well among the young and generally faithful CW audience. Anyway, we'll see -- or somebody will, because I can't be bothered tuning in to most of television's evolving foolishness and visual mind cancer (as we've suggested before, try watching the current crop with the sound muted; without audio to prop up the view, the vapid jejunity is enhanced).
By the way, we remain appalled that all forms of media concentrate so much on women and girls now that boys are almost invisible, ghosts. Maybe it's little wonder in specific instances why some grow up, go nuts and shoot people. The rot dripping from segments of contemporary society almost warns males to stay in the background. Never be afraid to be a boy in a village of reverse-sexist idiots.
Universal puts the motion picture, The Hunt on hold: We doubt it's a concern over the movie's violence as much as it reportedly shows kidnapped political conservatives overpowering progressive types and emerging as the winners.
The Jeffrey Epstein saga: Here today, and out with the simplicity of a bed sheet with no significant thread count tomorrow.
Working against America: Five senators on the left including Gillibrand and Blumenthal apparently can't play nicely in the sandbox because, reportedly upset by recent Supreme Court decisions not to their progressive liking, they seem keen on adding many more than nine SC seats to gain, um, a better degree of fairness. This is the kind of dangerous nonsense one votes for when elections come around.
Not to forget NY's Senator Schumer, who wants purchase of body armor by the public authorized by and registered with federal law enforcement. Is there no end to Democrat interference in perfectly legal commerce conducted by the innocent?
Suggested refrigerator magnet: DEMOCRATS DO NOT TRUST YOU EVER
The FCC wants a three-digit suicide hotline number: The suggested number would be 988. It may as well be 666, because the massive suicide phenomenon won't be solved with a call-in. The problem is society itself, and as we tire of suggesting, human numbers play a role.
Money cures sex abuse: Like a cattle stampede, attorneys are thundering across the sex abuse flatlands, hungry for money but couching their natural instincts as concern for the victimized. If you're alive, dead or not certain and maintained even a hangnail connection with the Catholic Church or the Boy Scouts of America, watch out -- the New Inquisition is here! Anybody who thinks religions, organizations, Epstein and others brought something new to the world with underage sexual encounters is naive indeed, and if you've read enough history one finds a normalcy about it. Surprised? Don't be, because a society as ours, so enthralled with the "roots" of human civilization, will find peoples who characteristically had and continue to have some very interesting relationships and activities with and between adults and children. Evil? Wrong? Roots, it's the roots that everybody loves. And as always, somebody needs to pony up the big money, though we've never understood how it is that money somehow decontaminates bugs in the allegedly victimized psyche. We are, however, aware that attorney fees serve quite another purpose.
Dem candidates Warren and Harris hit a new low by claiming Michael Brown was murdered by police officer Wilson. Even Obama's DOJ determined that thug Michael Brown, high on drugs, attempted to kill officer Wilson by grabbing his firearm, and had the officer not taken extreme action Wilson would have been dead. Even as Brown's father initiates a new lawsuit (!!!), it should be obvious that Michael Brown, who heavily outweighed officer Wilson, received exactly what he deserved. Warren, Harris and their fellow political liars should drop out of the race over their incredible race-baiting lie, obviously intended to gain votes from the. . .let's just say ill-informed masses who believe anything and act accordingly. Who are the racists? Who?
A new report claims that 50 percent of the world's forest animals have disappeared. If true, this is another surprise that shouldn't be a surprise. We wish Trump would evidence a lot more concern for environmental matters -- the ones that can actually be perceived, not those wished for or fantasized over by the agenda-ridden.
Plastics: Particularly alarming is a recent report of an amazed scientist whose water samples far away from the grind of civilization displayed microscopic pieces of plastic, some in color, leading him to determine that plastics now exist everywhere, in everything and in every human and animal. Of course, we already knew about ocean contamination. Solving this evolving problem, if anybody cares at all, is cursed by time itself.
I.C.E. "raids:" We're disgusted by the way TV news shows use videos of crying children at the border -- and children are truly the battering rams of the illegal border invaders.
Illegal aliens coming by the endless thousands are like guns -- they kill things in their own way, such as American culture and language. Leftists abhor gun violence, but embrace the slow-cooking explosiveness of an invading horde.
"Red flag" legislation regarding the taking of guns from certain individuals without due process: This is so unrelated to constitutional freedoms and the Bill of Rights that minds should be boggled. Who will save us, if not ourselves?
Chances are really good that someday it will be our turn to settle international social issues once and for all eternity, not with all the brainpower assembled in the United Nations, but instead with the biggest freakin' mother of all asteroids in the known or unknown universe. Yes, a chunk of dumb rock bringing along neither college degrees nor diplomatic experience will likely determine our exit, obliterating all human accomplishments, cute animals, world dictators and daily panic over climate change. No negotiations, no counter-offers, no hugs or handshakes, no artificial intelligence -- just brutal, all-encompassing termination.
Oh, wait -- I forgot, we'll all be living on Mars by then. Unless Mars gets the killer asteroid treatment first. Or after we move in, barely able to unpack a fleet of galactic moving vans before chaos rules.
But not to be negative. . .except. . .unfortunately. . .
Hong Kong needs King Kong: Maybe just a temporary lizard-loan from Japan? As China remains perched on Hong Kong's doorstep, characteristically ready and willing to viciously subvert the slightest spark of freedom among those under its hawk-eyed watch, the world observes. Contrast Hong Kong's people, waving the American flag and singing OUR National Anthem in a desperate quest for a measure of freedom, to invaders on our Southern border, brandishing high the flags from their countries of origin and loudly condemning the United States because these phonies can't access our welfare and free stuff system as quickly and conveniently as they want. There comes a point when President Trump may need to be far more outspoken about Xi's savage regime. Meanwhile, the best words of Mandarin to learn are those telling China's government to go to hell if its manipulators can't look beyond torture, murder, mass imprisonment and world domination as a plan for the future -- and planning way ahead for every surface of the planet is exactly what they do.
Fake of the week: Rep. Tlaib, crying crocodile tears for the TV cameras as she decides not to visit her Palestinian grandmother via the kindness of Israel. You'd think this bad actress hiding under congressional privileges would cherish a trip to old granny before granny, oh, I don't know -- chances to set off a bomb and exits forever? Tlaib had no reason to cry, except maybe for failing to whip up enough Jew hatred. The fact that she and Omar were elected to Congress sure says a lot for the quality of their constituency. Doesn't Sharia smell better all the time?
Periodic gender count: As a public service, we wish to take this opportunity to count the number of human genders as determined by scientific research. Today's count: Two genders. Suspiciously, the number never seems to change unless fiddled with by morons whom, in most other instances, love to shout, "The science is in." Apparently, gender and science have no relationship. Go figure.
Woodstock's 50th anniversary: Missed it. Too busy helping to fix patients in the Air Force's fifth largest hospital in 1969 Texas. I hope those freakin' hippies smoked a joint or drank a beer or two in honor of the kids sent off to die, receive wounds or corrode mentally in Vietnam. And speaking of that era. . .
Peter Fonda dies: Fonda was known best for the movie, Easy Rider and for being part of a famous acting family. We dare suggest, based upon a rather distressing wish Fonda angrily uttered publicly some time back that -- well, all we can say is, Barron Trump should sleep better tonight.
New York, New York: (Sigh. . .) Once upon a time, long before the Democrats filthied the place up, education accomplished an important job. Now they want to screw with the upper levels and high school curriculum, as they always do, by teaching a segment on "symbols of hate." Do those symbols include a donkey, by any chance? The Democrats, having absolutely nothing to run on in 2020 except race and guns, always go for the obvious. If these fools really wanted to influence young people and the education system positively, they would return to incorporating civics lessons emphasizing American qualities instead of hate-America-first classes.
Television: While we find the CW's summer series, Two-Sentence Horror Story interesting, last week's episode in which the ultimate "monster" turned out to be I.C.E. agents at the door of an illegal family simply proved that the TV medium, as never before, has become a blatantly obvious vehicle for leftist political ideas. Further. . .
We watched brief, recurring previews for two new fall series on ABC-TV, Emergence and Stumptown, and will reluctantly predict their quick demise. First, did ABC learn nothing with the cancellation of The Passage last season, when this murky hodgepodge of confusing episodes featuring a young girl, monsters and her older companion failed to gain a foothold? So what do they do? Here comes Emergence, this time again involving a young girl as the center attraction among the adult class. The major alteration, from what we can see, is that The Passage story involved a black girl and the new series integrates a young white female into a sci-fi story.
Then there's Stumptown. Hoo boy, what was that ABC series last season that bombed, the one about two government agents, one male and the other female? Whiskey Cavalier? So here comes Stumptown, another reason to show everybody that a woman can do everything a man can do, even being featured in an improbable smarmy TV series unlikely to snare a viable fan base simply because even the most basic of TV audience members know pap when they see it. If there's a war on women, putting them into televised nonsense like Stumptown and Emergence isn't going to win the battle. On the other hand, the CW Network's launch of Nancy Drew based upon the old and time-tested book series may do quite well among the young and generally faithful CW audience. Anyway, we'll see -- or somebody will, because I can't be bothered tuning in to most of television's evolving foolishness and visual mind cancer (as we've suggested before, try watching the current crop with the sound muted; without audio to prop up the view, the vapid jejunity is enhanced).
By the way, we remain appalled that all forms of media concentrate so much on women and girls now that boys are almost invisible, ghosts. Maybe it's little wonder in specific instances why some grow up, go nuts and shoot people. The rot dripping from segments of contemporary society almost warns males to stay in the background. Never be afraid to be a boy in a village of reverse-sexist idiots.
Universal puts the motion picture, The Hunt on hold: We doubt it's a concern over the movie's violence as much as it reportedly shows kidnapped political conservatives overpowering progressive types and emerging as the winners.
The Jeffrey Epstein saga: Here today, and out with the simplicity of a bed sheet with no significant thread count tomorrow.
Working against America: Five senators on the left including Gillibrand and Blumenthal apparently can't play nicely in the sandbox because, reportedly upset by recent Supreme Court decisions not to their progressive liking, they seem keen on adding many more than nine SC seats to gain, um, a better degree of fairness. This is the kind of dangerous nonsense one votes for when elections come around.
Not to forget NY's Senator Schumer, who wants purchase of body armor by the public authorized by and registered with federal law enforcement. Is there no end to Democrat interference in perfectly legal commerce conducted by the innocent?
Suggested refrigerator magnet: DEMOCRATS DO NOT TRUST YOU EVER
The FCC wants a three-digit suicide hotline number: The suggested number would be 988. It may as well be 666, because the massive suicide phenomenon won't be solved with a call-in. The problem is society itself, and as we tire of suggesting, human numbers play a role.
Money cures sex abuse: Like a cattle stampede, attorneys are thundering across the sex abuse flatlands, hungry for money but couching their natural instincts as concern for the victimized. If you're alive, dead or not certain and maintained even a hangnail connection with the Catholic Church or the Boy Scouts of America, watch out -- the New Inquisition is here! Anybody who thinks religions, organizations, Epstein and others brought something new to the world with underage sexual encounters is naive indeed, and if you've read enough history one finds a normalcy about it. Surprised? Don't be, because a society as ours, so enthralled with the "roots" of human civilization, will find peoples who characteristically had and continue to have some very interesting relationships and activities with and between adults and children. Evil? Wrong? Roots, it's the roots that everybody loves. And as always, somebody needs to pony up the big money, though we've never understood how it is that money somehow decontaminates bugs in the allegedly victimized psyche. We are, however, aware that attorney fees serve quite another purpose.
Dem candidates Warren and Harris hit a new low by claiming Michael Brown was murdered by police officer Wilson. Even Obama's DOJ determined that thug Michael Brown, high on drugs, attempted to kill officer Wilson by grabbing his firearm, and had the officer not taken extreme action Wilson would have been dead. Even as Brown's father initiates a new lawsuit (!!!), it should be obvious that Michael Brown, who heavily outweighed officer Wilson, received exactly what he deserved. Warren, Harris and their fellow political liars should drop out of the race over their incredible race-baiting lie, obviously intended to gain votes from the. . .let's just say ill-informed masses who believe anything and act accordingly. Who are the racists? Who?
A new report claims that 50 percent of the world's forest animals have disappeared. If true, this is another surprise that shouldn't be a surprise. We wish Trump would evidence a lot more concern for environmental matters -- the ones that can actually be perceived, not those wished for or fantasized over by the agenda-ridden.
Plastics: Particularly alarming is a recent report of an amazed scientist whose water samples far away from the grind of civilization displayed microscopic pieces of plastic, some in color, leading him to determine that plastics now exist everywhere, in everything and in every human and animal. Of course, we already knew about ocean contamination. Solving this evolving problem, if anybody cares at all, is cursed by time itself.
I.C.E. "raids:" We're disgusted by the way TV news shows use videos of crying children at the border -- and children are truly the battering rams of the illegal border invaders.
Illegal aliens coming by the endless thousands are like guns -- they kill things in their own way, such as American culture and language. Leftists abhor gun violence, but embrace the slow-cooking explosiveness of an invading horde.
"Red flag" legislation regarding the taking of guns from certain individuals without due process: This is so unrelated to constitutional freedoms and the Bill of Rights that minds should be boggled. Who will save us, if not ourselves?
Monday, August 12, 2019
UFOs? You're Welcome
Once the congressional fun starts with a UFO inquiry, we generally end up plodding down a well-worn path to the town of Nevermind, otherwise known in some circles as Politically Taboo Village.
Aside from former Sen. Harry Reid's kick-off of the newest UFO football game (taxpayer-funded in secrecy). Sen. Mark Warner (VA) was next to run with the ball and raise concerns about UFOs encountered by military pilots. Now it's Rep. Mark Walker (NC) demanding a sober answer from Navy secretary Richard Spencer about the possibility of UFOs representing, hmm, perhaps a Chinese military threat.
A Chinese threat bouncing about in our skies since the 1940s and even prior to that?
Pardon my skepticism, but we've seen it all before, every act of this pretentious Vaudeville-Era performance. It starts with congressional outrage or curiosity and ends with either no government action noted publicly and/or press releases assuring one and all that there is no threat to national security. And, oh, um, government folk can wash their hands clean by throwing a few dollars into a Colorado U-style "investigation" designed to make everybody feel enlightened and prone to just go away.
During the early years of this blog -- you know, before R. Barrow went insane and began concentrating more on political issues and little teeny-tiny concerns about government people dedicated to diminishing the established rights of every American? -- we dealt almost exclusively with the UFO issue and our small part in research and investigations. In those pages are scans of letters from a number of congressmen and senators responding to my queries (going back to the early sixties) about the importance of the UFO issue.
But my inquiries were not unique. Indeed, we now know that government agencies and personnel were taking UFO reports seriously in the forties and fifties. By the time the 1960s arrived, particularly after the 1964 Socorro UFO encounter and later on reports from Michigan, precipitating then-Congressman Gerald Ford of Michigan to demand an investigation, congressional offices were inundated with anxious constituent letters begging for answers.
The point is that Congress was aware long ago that UFOs were real and worthy of scientific examination -- a phenomenon so bizarre and apparently posing such an obvious danger to air travel that its very nature demanded a look. If you check out NICAP's 1964 document, The UFO Evidence, given to EVERY member of Congress (see link to NICAP and click on free books section), there's a section quoting numerous congressional members going back to the fifties, most of them expressing interest in the evidence. And -- so what?
Throughout the decades, it wasn't a congressional majority or scientific consensus keeping the UFO subject in the spotlight: Proponents familiar with evidence extending all over the world were instead the private research organizations and individuals who knew, despite the skeptics and debunkers, that, indeed, here was an enigma not to be ignored. Sad to say, even the crackpots and book authors who claimed visits to Venus and Mars accompanied by elegant extraterrestrial beings helped keep the issue alive, even as so-called members of the scientific community did little but ridicule UFO witnesses and throw up various roadblocks to serious investigations.
The names Dr. James McDonald, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe, Richard Hall, Jim and Coral Lorenzen and hundreds, probably thousands more, both living and dead performed the hard work resulting in extensively researched files long available to any serious congressional entity truly interested in exploring what seemingly constitutes the greatest scientific mystery of our times.
Yet, here we go again, and this time the nameplates read Senator Mark Warner and Congressman Mark Walker. Oh well, at least they share the same initials and each is named Mark, making it easier to remember their, perhaps, just momentary visitation to the land of sky conundrums. Deja vu, howdy do?
We hope Congress will someday thank all the fine and talented people (and maybe the crackpots, too, for their interesting lunatic efforts!) who sacrificed decades building an extensive science-based international library of UFO documentation which all may behold and from which all officials should have learned THE FIRST TIME.
Who knows, maybe someday a Ken Burns type will produce a multi-part TV documentary exploring the importance of specific individuals and organizations to the enormity of a mystery whose identity may or may not be right around the corner -- a "thank you" of sorts at last to a class of characteristically just-plain-folks whose echoing ghostly retort of You're welcome, we did our best blowing in the wind will be their only reward.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Blasting Away the Inevitable
Because Democrats have nothing workable in their crazed platform, white people and guns are the major issues upon which Democrats seem to be running, and at least for the moment they almost salivate like dogs hearing Pavlov's bell. White folk? Whether you like it or not, we white folk are quickly on the way to becoming a minority anyway and, assuming nobody nukes the planet, releases the mother of all lab viruses or a magical kill-all asteroid doesn't eviscerate Earth, we're destined to become "toast" as skin colors and facial features change. Shooters beware, you cannot blast away the inevitable. The world is on a path to producing at least a brownish-hue civilization, according to scientific predictions.
And now, all of this:
Unfortunately, when mass shootings occur nobody smells blood in the water and goes on the attack like progressive Democrats, and they can hardly wait until spilled blood coagulates on the floor. Like yellow jackets protecting a nest of anti-American honey, these frauds go off on the Second Amendment, Trump, gun owners, the NRA, firearm and ammo manufacturers and on and on, self-claiming a trophy of societal superiority. The only decent thing they've done in the past few days is to criticize all-around good guy and profound presidential failure Obama during the Dem debates. Oops.
Speaking of Obama, how predictable that he just had to throw in his two cents regarding the unnamed Trump and racism. Obama -- a failed, nation-weakening, race-baiting former president whose own term included some two-dozen mass murders, and the accommodating media did not lift a finger to place blame on him. Trump, on the other hand, is blamed 24/7 by the left for everything.
Did Mr. Obama know or care before slithering back into the limelight that both the El Paso and Dayton shooters are/were way, way out lefties? "White supremacy" had as much to do with the El Paso moron as his concern for the environment in lunatic terms, and apparently loving the Al Gore b.s. The Dayton shooter, who set about to kill his own sister and friend, was just bonkers and race seemingly had no bearing on his actions.
Who is to blame? The shooters.
We wish President Trump had not invoked the term, "white supremacy" in his brief speech Monday morning, because this unnecessary wording just gives the left more to chew on. There is no catastrophic outbreak of "white supremacy," but that argument could certainly be directed at other colors significantly, per college campuses.
Beto (who always moves about as if something in his pants is attacking him), Mayor Pete and the rest of the Democrat prez hopefuls already bask in nonsense, so it was no surprise that they jumped at the opportunity to blame Trump for the shootings. Never let a (good) crisis go to waste, once said a prominent Democrat, and when elections draw near, wow, go for it.
We shook our head when NY's governor Andrew Cuomo made light of Trump's comment that there is no room for hate in this country, because we immediately recalled Cuomo's comment some time back that there is no room for conservatives in New York.
Astronomer Neil Degrasse Tyson received a sound clobbering from the left when he dared lay out statistics regarding some 500 people who die every day for various violent reasons, thus making these current mass murders not quite so massive by comparison. Does Tyson not realize that facts and logic are poison to the leftist thought process?
Whatever the left says, its goal is to empty every American household of every kind of gun, all in the best tradition of Nazis, fascists and, yes, Venezuela. The planet is littered with societies which willingly gave up firearms "for the common good," only to learn while defenseless that those in power will murder the unarmed by the hundreds of thousands, unopposed.
So now politicians, urged that they must "do something," are climbing on the "red flag" bandwagon, and we cringe in response. Who will decide whose guns must be removed and why? Can Democrat judges be trusted to not work a gun-removing agenda in mass?
Background checks? They're already common, but how does one check out somebody whose intentions fly under the radar because they have a pristine past with no alarm bells to sound?
Will gun license applicants, we wonder, eventually be forced to spend a few hundred dollars to sit in some "mental health professional's" office who will determine their firearm fitness? What is the mental health person has a problem with guns in general?
What "shall not be infringed?" What are arms? Will AK's and AR's become a major issue as the left works toward making the country a gun-free zone ruled by people with guns?
You may hate Donald Trump to the bottom of your soul for some reason, probably one hyped up by TV talking heads. But anybody who thinks replacing him with any of the current media-endorsed boobs running openly or not as Democrat socialists is on a fool's errand.
When we occasionally write the words, your babies aren't cute anymore, we mean it and it all comes down to numbers of everybody. Within that context, some babies grow up to be mass-shooters while others grow up just to add to the numbers. That's why we shake our head in frustration when we watch primarily Democrats placing the blame for everything on Trump, when the Democrats would not lift a finger to stop thousands of ILLEGAL immigrants criminally invading our borders. Numbers, not colors. Their babies aren't cute, either.
How can potential shooters NOT go nuts when they observe a government totally unconcerned about a non-stop influx of people gifting us with diseases, poverty, no education, entire families, no language skills and basically no skills period? Don't whine to me about compassionate Democrats, the sympathizing media and all the relief (Catholics high among them) organizations making big money off the "refugee" issue while U.S. taxpayers reluctantly footing the bill for this outrage can't provide adequately for their own families.
Meanwhile, you can bet that most, if not all gun-hating Democrat officials and presidential contender blabbermouths (some, racists in their own right) have around-the-clock security involving firearm power instituted by (gasp!) men and women carrying guns.
As everybody twirls in a dither over "white nationalism," we again invite readers to regularly consult our links to two Web sites exploring daily activities on college campuses, where anything BUT love for white people takes a front seat. Anybody talkin' about anti-white nationalism? Certainly not on your TV news shows. What's graduating from these educational institutions of higher indoctrination when a curriculum encompasses its own special form of hate?
The El Paso and Dayton shooters: Were they already on drugs self-prescribed or offered by "mental health" people whose failed efforts helped twist their minds into pretzels? Video game addiction damage?
The word for both shooting massacres is not guns -- it's crazy. Brain cells are required to pull a trigger. If you can't understand the mind behind the gun, the guns don't matter. If not guns, it's automobiles plowing through crowds and racking up a high death toll. Knives and machetes wielded by perpetrators hosting a dose of insanity can do a pretty effective job, too. Then there's pressure cooker ingenuity.
Infestation: Another word to ban from the dictionary? Before the lesser but loud politically correct segment of society makes this one equivalent to the "n" word, we wish to remind the overzealous that conservatives just found a recording of Rep. Elijah Cummings himself using the word, "infestation" a few years ago when discussing drugs in his district. We know the word police were just chomping at the bit when they thought they could pin the word solely on Trump.
Multiple shark attacks: Don't forget, the water belongs to the sea creatures, it's their world. Considering the fine job the "international community" has done of mucking up the oceans with debris and aquatic poisons, it's amazing there's still anything remaining under the surface with the energy to stage a proper attack on humans. We aren't the only ones who "go fishing." Surfboards a la mode seem especially popular lately among shark diners.
China: Xi and China's policies for conquest and domination are a danger to the entire world. Just ask Hong Kong. Any country playing nice with this devious, murderous regime lacking any vestige of conscience plays with fire. President Trump's methods to deal with this brutal entity appear to be the best we can expect, as we are aware of no other solutions. Previous U.S. Presidents allowed this disgraceful state of affairs to fester until we've reached a very difficult juncture. A bumpy road now stretches for miles. Without Trump, who?